Below is our recent interview with Jeff Martin, Director of SEO at HealthLabs:
Q: For those who haven’t heard of it, what is the best way to describe HealthLabs?
A: makes getting lab tests simple, even if you don’t have health insurance. We give you the direct power to order lab testing, without necessarily having to visit a healthcare provider – and without copays, deductibles, or hidden fees.
It’s quick and easy to order tests online, and pop by one of our nationwide testing centers. When results are ready, you get a notification to view them in your online account. You can also print or download them to review with your physician.
It’s simple and accessible, like health management should be.
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Q: What are the most common reasons people use your services for lab tests online?
A: One of the most common reasons why people use our site is if they don’t have health insurance, or have high deductibles or high copays. But everyone has their own reason to test. For example, many people take our STD tests to avoid the potentially uncomfortable conversation with their doctor, and to know their status as discreetly as possible.
If you have to take tests multiple times in a week, month, or year to monitor your health condition, spending hours in the doctor’s office can eat up a lot of your time. We make getting tested more convenient—a simple order and a quick visit to the lab, and you’re in and out.
Q: Who are the primary users of HealthLabs and what are some of the key challenges you are helping them solve?
A: Our users vary widely in age, sex, and other demographic information. Some are taking routine tests their doctors have recommended. They print the results and take them to the doctor to decipher. Other clients know how to interpret their own results. These are typically people who continuously monitor blood markers and want to avoid the hassle of doctor visits.
Our quick result turnaround is another thing that helps set us apart—most results are available within 1-3 business days. Plus, they’re easy to reference from your phone or computer whenever you like by simply logging into your online account.
Q: What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced in your business and how did you overcome it?
A: is always focused on better serving our customers. In this emerging space of telehealth, it’s important to stay informed about customer intent to better target our efforts. One big challenge is knowing who takes our tests, and more importantly, why they choose not to take our tests.
Implementing a LiveChat feature has been invaluable, not only to educating ourselves on customer intent, but to help guide our users through our website and how we work. We’ve also implemented occasional pop-up surveys to gather information, such as why a visitor is exiting a page and did not make a purchase. Any feedback about obstacles—whether location, price, or user experience—is crucial for us to continue making testing more accessible as we expand the scope of our business.
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Q: What types of tests are available to choose from?
A: We offer a wide variety of blood and urine tests. We have general health and wellness tests that a primary care physician would give, and more specialized tests that monitor specific organs in the body. Other common types of tests ordered are drug tests, vitamin testing, hormone testing and allergy testing. We currently have over 600 tests to choose from so no matter what test you’re looking for, we’re almost sure to have it!