Below is our recent interview with Phoenix Ha from AdBeacon:
Q: Can you tell us your company story?
A: When iOS14 hit the advertising world, I knew it was time to get to work. That’s when I hopped into a media buyer forum to collaborate on solutions. What did I hear? CRICKETS. This is when I knew that we were in hot water… no one had an answer, so naturally, I dove in to find one. There were a myriad of so-called solutions, but none of them really hit all essentials needed to immediately get to work and scale. Why be barely satisfied with a platform when we create one ourselves – a platform I trust and use every day. If you’re looking for real time first party data, a one stop shop for reports and predictive learning, and in platform optimization, then welcome to (just the beginning) of AdBeacon.
Q: Any highlights on your recent announcement?
A: We’re just getting started! Our team is working on Amazon integration, Tiktok integrations and even more. We give out a 14 day trial for a reason – risk free – so that people truly see and experience the difference.
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Q: Can you give us more insights into your offering?
A: Our team of marketers has been testing this platform in and out to ensure that this is the best user experience for optimal results. I researched so many platforms and none of them gave exactly what I needed to optimize, report and scale! That’s why every part of the platform looks like Facebook, or Shopify or a familiar platform for the easiest transition in. Real time optimization is key here – we were fed up with the delays in data that many of our competitors had and proprietary attribution models that had catchy names but made no sense. Transparency is our game – if you’re here for it, so are we.
Q: What can we expect from your company in next 6 months? What are your plans?
A: AdBeacon is not just an optimization platform, it’s a community. Why not strategize with your fellow marketers and be a resource for further growth? For AdBeacon, ad optimization is just the beginning… we have so many additions, improvements and community driven plans that I can’t wait to introduce to the advertising arena.
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Q: What is the best thing about your company that people might not know about?
A: We want to be a community, not just a tool. The best ideas come from collaborative spaces. So imagine, a top of the line tool that continually evolves and grows while also being a social platform housing the best marketers around the world. What a dream.