The Kidmoto app provides parents access to secure car seat car transportation for their small children when traveling to and from airports. Below is our recent interview with Nelson Nigel, CEO at Kidmoto Technologies:
Q: Could you provide our readers with a brief introduction to Kidmoto Technologies?
A: Kidmoto provides a solution to a real problem, taxis and car services do not provide pre-installed child car seats. The Kidmoto App connects parents to a network of drivers that provide fully installed car seats for airport transportation, therefore making it safe and convenient for traveling parents.
Q: What types of services do you provide to your clients?
A: Kidmoto provides specialized airport car transportation services.
Q: How are you different from taxis or ride-shares?
A: Taxis and rideshare do not provide pre-installed child car seats. Ride-share is not professional drivers, they are a network of semi-regulated quasi car-pooling drivers without professional for-hire insurance. In contrast, all Kidmoto drivers have professional experience and professional liability insurance.
Q: What are the benefits of choosing Kidmoto?
A: Kidmoto provides peace of mind for traveling parents. They can ditch the car seats and leave that headache to Kidmoto.
Q: What are your plans for 2020? Are you going to expand your service to even more cities?
A: Kidmoto plans to extend it’s network to other cities in the United States in 2020.