The editors of TechCompanyNews reached out to Asymmetrex®’s founder, President, and CEO, James L. Sherley, M.D., Ph.D., to learn more about…
Tag: James L. Sherley
Asymmetrex Achieves New Business Milestones Towards Vision Of Improving Stem Cell Science And Medicine With The First Dosage Technology For Stem Cell Treatments
RABBIT Count® online calculators for rapidly determining the stem cell dosage of treatment samples are now available…
Asymmetrex Prepares To Introduce Online Calculators For Rapidly Counting Therapeutic Stem Cells
Tech Company News has been following technology and business developments with Massachusetts stem cell biotechnology company Asymmetrex® for several years. In past interviews, company founder and CEO, James L. Sherley, M.D., Ph.D., has shared Asymmetrex®’s vision of transforming stem...
Asymmetrex President And CEO James L. Sherley, M.D., Ph.D., Has Contributed A Chapter In A New Book On Stem Cells In Veterinary Science
Simply stated, by putting stem cell-specific dosing into clinical practice sooner. The strategy of first evaluating new medical technologies in animals in order to smooth technical and regulatory paths to…
An Interview With James Sherley, About Recently Awarded Grant From The NIH-NHLBI
Below is our recent interview with James L. Sherley, Director at Asymmetrex: Q: Asymmetrex was recently awarded a research and development grant from the NIH-NHLBI; can you tell us something more? A: The grant award is a well-known National...
Asymmetrex Joins ARMI BioFabUSA With Plans To Provide Needed Quantitative Analyses For Tissue Stem Cell Biomanufacturing
Below is our recent interview with James L. Sherley, M.D., Ph.D., Director at Asymmetrex: Q: Can you tell us something more about the company and what you do? A: Asymmetrex is about 6 years out from its founding based...