Chatham Rock Phosphate Limited wishes to advise that we have today agreed in principle to sell to an arm’s-length Australian entity (the…
Tag: Chatham Rock Phosphate
Chatham Provides Korella North Mine Update
As earlier advised, the Queensland Treasury is in the process of assessing the Environmental Security Bond for the Korella Mine and this…
Chatham Confirms Grant Of Korella North Mining Permit
The phosphate produced by the Korella Mine will initially be sold into the domestic farm market with particular focus in supplying the phos…
Chatham Rock Phosphate Advises Of Share Offer To Existing Shareholders
It is now intended to offer all of our shareholders an opportunity to invest on the same terms and conditions in all jurisdictions where s…
CRP Invited To Apply For Fast Tracking Process For The Chatham Rise Phosphate Project
The proposed new permitting regime is potentially a game changer for resource projects and others considered to be of national significan…
Chatham Rock Phosphate Limited Private Placement
It is anticipated that operating cash flows from the Korella North mine will, during 2024 and 2025, provide working capital while also…