Below is our recent interview with Mario Vankinscott, CEO of Will Profit Solutions:
Q: Could you provide our readers with a brief introduction to Will Profit Solutions?
A: We love life and humanity and therefore design empathy-based solutions for the purpose of preserving life.
Will Profit Solutions, LLC. is a tech company that Beta tests and designs technological solutions for humanity and paying special attention to people with disabilities and many other underserved demographics in order to preserve the human race. The company will soon be renamed to BetaTech, LLC.
We are the Beta testers of the world’s technology & technological solutions to ensure that the technology is beneficial for humanity and is not harming our society. “Tech for Life”.
Q: What are some of the key challenges you’re helping your clients with?
A: Preserving life and business are the building blocks we use to design customized solutions for our clients as well as test other technology widely used by society and especially underrepresented demographics of our society. We want to make “Real Life Better”.
Q: How do you see the market developing, and your role in it, in the next 1-3 years?
A: The need for philanthropic technology is needed in our society because our current population are underrepresented and are hardly ever able to better their current situation. Will Profit Solutions, LLC. within the next 1-3 years will develop technology and technological solutions for people with disabilities, prevention of world homelessness, prevention of world hunger, prevention of world water shortages, prevention of global warming, single parenting prevention and many more socially relevant issues that humanity currently face and will face in the future. We also test current and new technology to certify that it is safe for humanity.
Q: Who is your idea client and why?
A: Humanity and especially underserved and underrepresented populations of our societies. Some of our ideal client industries are: -Philanthropy, Municipal –Government, businesses, etc.