Below is our recent interview with Serena Dang, Founder & CEO at Teacup:
Q: Could you provide our readers with a brief introduction to your company?
A: Teacup is a voice-first mobile app designed to increase social engagement and community interactions among adults aged 50+. Our mission is to reduce social isolation as we age by building a platform to drive engagement through live small group conversations. One of the many learnings of the pandemic as it relates to our aging population is how unprepared segments of this population were when our world was transported online overnight. Being able to connect and engage socially is increasingly dependent on technology, and I’ve witnessed the frustration with social platforms which tend to target younger generations. As a result, I set out to build Teacup to change that and create a space for adults aged 50+ designed with their unique needs in mind.
Q: Any highlights on your recent announcement?
A: We are eager to connect with our audience, and we believe that helping to close the equity gap that exists across technology is a good place to start. Our intent in offering free technology classes in partnership with libraries, senior centers, senior living communities and other relevant stakeholders is to begin to build a community of future Teacup members and to continue to grow our understanding of their needs as we build out our product.
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Q: Can you give us more insights into your offering?
A: Our technology classes focus on topics that the 50+ audience would find relevant based on feedback received. We’re rolling out live webinars via Zoom to cover topics like online dating, social media, avoiding phishing scams, and others. The classes are designed to be interactive and we’re looking forward to strong participation from the audience.
Q: What can we expect from your company in next 6 months? What are your plans?
A: We’re excited to be launching our first feature for Teacup, which are Tea Rooms. These are small group, voice-first, moderated groups that will center around topics designed to stimulate connection and engagement amongst their participants. The Tea Rooms are being organized by theme and will include topics like “Hometown Radio”, “Health and Wealth”, “Entertainment” and “Health and Wealth” among others.
We’re launching our beta in September, and so we’re in the process of signing up beta testers that can give us feedback. Anyone interested can signup at our website.
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Q: What is the best thing about your company that people might not know about?
A: Teacup was born as my ideal way of taking care of my parents and being of service to the world’s elderly, who have paved the way for our own progress and growth. This ideal is echoed by many of my peers from all around the world, and the need for this kind of social platform has been validated over and over again by our own parents and grandparents.
We are a fast growing team, passionate, motivated, and humble. We have studied so much about the needs of the demographic that we set out to serve, and we know that there is so much more to learn.
Reach out to us if you are interested in Teacup or want to get involved! Connect with me on Linkedin.