We caught up with Nicholas Medeiros, from Froglogic to discuss froglogic’s first annual user conference, Squish Days Europe 2019:
Q: You’ve announced froglogic’s first annual user conference, Squish Days Europe 2019; what is your main goal with this conference?
A: We’re very excited about this year’s Squish Days. Previously, we hosted single day events at various European cities throughout the year. These one-day gatherings were intended mainly for new users of the software, where we demoed our tools, presented the product roadmap, and held some Q&A throughout. This year, we’re looking to invite Squish and Coco users across all proficiencies, offering tailor-made workshops and talks geared toward those who are both new users or evaluators and seasoned Squish experts. Keeping in mind that our users come from very diverse industries, our talks have been designed to be equally diverse, covering a range of popular topics. Our goal is simple: host a space where our users can meet us and each other, become successful with our tools, and have some fun while doing so.
Q: What are the biggest benefits for attendees?
A: We want the folks using our tools to be as successful as possible, and with the planned events during the conference, that’s sure to happen. Attendees will benefit from specialized training courses, focused sessions with our development team, and multiple chances to ask questions. Attendees are encouraged to bring their open support cases and issues to the conference. We’ll have plenty of support staff onsite to assist with any active problems folks are having. You might arrive as a brand new user having never tried Squish or as a longtime Squish expert. In both cases, you’ll leave with new tools, new methodologies and new insights into advancing test automation efforts for you and your team.
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Q: Tell us something more about conference agenda?
A: Our agenda is packed! But we’ve designed Squish Days keeping in mind that our conference is open to all skill levels. Day one is a workshop day, with three separate training tracks: one track that has courses for those just starting out with our products, and two separate tracks with workshops for those who are looking for more topic-focused sessions. Our advanced training tracks contain courses ranging from Behavior Driven Development to Automation & Integration. A social event rounds out day one. Day two is filled with talks given by our development team and selected Squish users. Talks are varied in content and cover a lot: anything from Image-based testing and OCR to HMI testing of embedded devices to code coverage for safety-critical applications. We’ll also have a panel discussion session, and our support engineers will be stationed at a live support desk throughout the conference to answer any of your questions.
Q: Can you tell us how to register and do you have Early-bird tickets?
A: We certainly offer early bird tickets! Register before June 24th to get your early bird discount. Registration is fast and easy, too: sign up you or your group through the link in this event announcement or on our website at froglogic.com.