Recently the company announced its release of NFTlimitedseries minting and marketplace platform and EMbassyXgames lab design for…
Monthly Archives: March 2022
Titan Abrasive Designs And Manufactures Quality Surface Preparation, Surface Finishing And Sandblasting Equipment At An Affordable Price
“Because of our smaller size, we can be more flexible and offer a greater level of product customization. Many of the bigger players are…”
An Interview With Tanya Vucetic, CEO & Co-Founder At BlockForms
BlockForms’ form-automation software enables its customers to provide data via a single interface and have the information populate into all the requisite channels…
Meet Custom Comet – A Promotional Product And Custom Merchandise Company
“Our art team takes something as simple as a logo or a sketch and converts it into a digital proof for the customer. This shows them precisely what their air freshener will look like down to the retail packaging and string color…”
Ozobot Is Redefining The Role Of Robotics In Education With Award-Winning Programmable Robots
Ozobot offers coding and STEAM-based curriculum for K-12 students, spanning all grade levels and subjects beyond coding and computer science.
PAE Risk Mitigation Opportunities Grow For Open Invention Network Community Members
Open Invention Network manages and enables a variety of initiatives, all designed to mitigate open source software-related patent risk from operating companies, and more recently, from PAEs…
ECO Cloud Company PeaSoup Delivers Infrastructure, Disaster Recovery And Backup Services
Today PeaSoup leads the way with highly efficient, reduced power and carbon-efficient cloud computing, our design, based on a server only model, is suitable with careful hardware considerations to be deployed into…
Vendazzo Is An E-Commerce Search Engine That Connects Shoppers Directly To Independent Shops And Brands
Vendazzo is also beneficial to the retailer selling online because we offer an entirely new method of discovery for them. Any new business can tell you that one of the most difficult things about being a small business is…
Meet Concorde Print & Design – Woman-Owned Creative Print And Graphic Design Studio
Concorde recently acquired NAVEO, a Wisconsin-based marketing agency with over 2 decades of experience in web design and digital marketing…
Botpress Helps Developers To Build The Best Chatbots Possible Without A Team Of Data Scientists
Botpress is open source. Especially for developers, it’s one of the only open source dev-oritented companies that mixes all sort of interesting challenges like AI, machine learning, hardcore front-end and back-end…